Philip Michael Thomas and Sandi Morais
Producers and Writers
4th production: At the Hollywood Playhouse, Hollywood, Florida, August 23rd, 2003 (Director: Sandi Morais)
Debra Ginsberg (Harriet the Horrible Owl) is casting THE SPELL OF IMPOSSIBLE on Pahola Duque (Sacha) at the Hollywood Playhouse production.
Reviews from Hollywood Playhouse production submitted to the Sun-Sentinel.
August 24, 2003
Alejandro Quispe
Miami , FL
Although a fantasy for kids; Sacha does awaken our inner child. We all have imagination, but sometimes we misplace it. Thomas has a hit on his hands, period. Of special note is Debra Ginsberg who stole the show as "Harriet The Owl"
August 24, 2003
Myles Barry Derison
Davie , Fl
If you were fortunate enough to be where I was last Saturday night, you would have traveled to a small corner of Hollywood, FL., (The Hollywood Playhouse) and been part of an enchantingly magical and musical evening. You could have blinked your eyes twice and been transported on a soft bedof clouds to a far off place where dreams are realized and good triumphs over evil and love conquers all.
Such was the completely delightful production of Sacha; original story and music brought to you through the equally magical collaboration of Mr. Phillip Michael Thomas and Ms. Sandi Morais. And equal to their talent was their graciousness as they greeted all patrons who wished to speak to them, congratulate them and even pose for photographs.
We are taken on a fantasy trip with the young child Sacha, wonderfully portrayed by Pahola Duque, as she travels to the Forest of Imagination. Her journey is encouraged by her Magic Goodmother, warmly played by Jessica Baldwin and Goodie, vibrantly portrayed by Lila Jones. Sacha, though is equally challenged by the efforts of Sam The Snake, Dolly The Duck and
Ray The Rat (Sascha Saballet, Rachel Phelps and Farah L. Douyon). This band of characters are driven by the evil and all powerful overseer of the forest, Harriet The Owl, portrayed by Debra Ginsberg, who turns in a most commanding and stunningly dramatic performance.
Sacha, aided by the efforts of Martin The Frog, keenly portrayed by Nick Nixon, is able to overcome her own self doubts and comes to learn the lesson that love does, in fact, conquer all.
A strong supporting team of singers and dancers and the excellent efforts of Jerald Dorsett; Music Director and Wayne “Big Apple” Douthett on drums, helped to forge a spectacular musical event.
If you were not able to be there, I strongly recommend that you seek out this professional production and sit back and enjoy the “trip”.